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Courtney Brown Posted by: Courtney Brown 1 month ago

It’s that time of year…the weather is unpredictable and it thinks it’s in charge!  When it’s not safe to come to class, gym closures will be posted on:

…and a 


…will go out to all families who have subscribed accordingly.

LCG Weather FAQ’s

Q:  How will I know if LCG is closed due to hazardous weather or road conditions?

A:  We will send out a text message and an email to all families who have opted in to these services.  A post will also be made on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Q:  If the public schools are closed, does LCG automatically close?

A:  No, our local road crews do an amazing job of cleaning up the roads.  We will make our own decision based on the weather and road conditions at least an hour before the start of classes each night.