Construction is on schedule at our new building! We are hoping to start classes there in June of this year. Yet, stay tuned as that is contingent on the construction schedule staying on schedule. As a reminder the building is located at 610 Bell Drive, Warsaw, IN 46582.
Below are pictures. One pit is completely done, and the new bathrooms walls are up!
West End Pit Being FormedWest End Pit Being Formed #2West End Pit Finished – Will have 2 Inground Trampolines, In Ground Pit and In Ground Tumble TrakWest End Pit Finished (view 2) – Will have 2 Inground Trampolines, In Ground Pit and In Ground Tumble TrakEast End Pit Being DugEast End Pit Being DugBathroom Walls Being ErectedBathroom Walls Drywalled