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Courtney Brown Posted by: Courtney Brown 1 month ago

Coach Spotlight

Welcome to the new Coach Spotlight segment here at LCG!  After almost 6 years in business we are so glad to be a part of this amazing community and we want to shine light on the dedicated people, from this community, that make Lake City Gymnastics the place all the kids want to be!  Tune in every month as we introduce you to one of our outstanding coaches and staff!

Coach: Adrea Swanson

Job Title:  Owner/Coach

From: Rensselaer, Indiana

Years Coaching:  33 years

Adrea and her husband and co-owner David, have been married for 23 years.  They have 3 children ages 16, 14 and 12.  In her free time she likes to garden, read in the sunshine – during the summer, and complete puzzles by the fireplace in the colder months.  Adrea says she, “wants to coach as long as I physically can!”  Her favorite thing about her job is the people.  “We have such great people here.  They are co-workers and friends!”, she smiles.  Adrea’s favorite food is toast! 😆🍞 and if she could travel anywhere in the world it would be Adria, Italy…for obvious reasons, I think!…and she should be well on her way, considering she has already traveled to 8 different foreign countries, including Venezuela, France, England, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, Canada and India!

Thank you Adrea for bringing your passion to our community!  We are so grateful you chose us!